TAILORU aims to create more opportunities for international female artisans by connecting them with consumers overseas. Our first product line focuses on tailored handmade clothing. View more at

How can we help customers to measure themselves in the comfort of their home?


Augmented Reality (AR) allows users to use their phone to measure distance between two points - Patent Granted USPTO.

Computer Vision (CV) allows users to capture their basis measurements and provides a foundation to calibrate the AR preference layer.


Thu Do (Founder - Product Lead)
Laraib Ali (Developer)
Prakhar Tripathy (Developer)
Christine de Michele (Assistant Designer)
Hoa Luong (Designer)
Pablo Pascar (AI Developer)

User Testing

10 User interviews and in-person measurement sessions reveal user’s pain points, hesitant, and preference for a digital in-home solutions.

Ain’t nobody got time for that. Unless it’s Cool.


Socialite Hustler

Female (28 - 65)
Brand strategist at Charity:water
Fashion and social conscious
Shop at Club Monaco, Theory
Get tailored clothes when traveling overseas Read the Skimm, Monocle, Medium

How can we help customers to measure themselves in the comfort of their home?

So What do you actually have time for?

Animation Study

Due to the detailed nature of tailoring measurement practice and through learnings of user’s low comfort with doing this task themselves, we need to provide step-by-step guidance to the ease user usage and raise confidence in captured measurements.

Shoulder Animation Copy.png
Shoulder Animation.png

Design + Prototype

Simple iOs design to give instructions to the users with minimal controls to help users focus on the measurement task.


Testing calibration and measurement of physical objects and live moving bodies, perpendicular as well as at an angle.

Next Steps

Currently we can only measure on a 2D plane on a 80% accuracy.
We are currently testing and working in ability to measure circumference around the body.