Authenticator - Working with Username and Password in Ruby

users = [
  {username: "mashrur", password: "password1"},
  {username: "jack", password: "password2"},
  {username: "arya", password: "password3"},
  {username: "jonshow", password: "password4"},
  {username: "heisenberg", password: "password5"}

def auth_user(username, password, users)
  users.each do |user_record|
    if user_record[:username] == username && user_record[:password] == password
      return user_record
  "Credentials were not correct"

puts "Welcome to the authenticator"
25.times {print "-"}
puts "This program will take the input from the user and compare password"

attempts = 1
while attempts < 4
  print "Username:"
  username = gets.chomp
  print "Password:"
  password = gets.chomp
  authentication = auth_user(username, password, users)
  puts authentication
  puts "Press n to quit or any other key to continue"
  input = gets.chomp.downcase
  break if input == "n"
  attempts +=1  

puts "You have exceeded the number of attempts" if attempts == 4